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JetsonNano에 USB 카메라 사용하기 (rviz) [4]

by 미국에 사는 소년 2023. 7. 18.

젯슨나노에서 USB 카메라를 인식한 후 rviz에 띄우는 작업을 해봅시다


사용 보드 : Jetson Nano 4GB

환경 : Ubuntu 20.04 + noetic 도커 컨테이너

라이다 : YD LiDAR G4


사용 카메라 : [Arducam] Arducam CSI-USB UVC Camera Adapter Board for 12.3MP IMX477 Raspberry Pi Camera [B0278]



Arducam CSI-USB UVC Camera Adapter Board for 12.3MP IMX477 Raspberry Pi Camera [B0278]

CSI-USB 어댑터 보드 / 카메라 보드와 함께 PC, 노트북, 라즈베리파이에 연결하면 웹캠으로 동작 / IMX477 UVC 호환 / DC 5V / USB2.0


1. usb 인식 확인

ls -ltr /dev/video*

2. 패키지 설치

apt-get install ros-noetic-usb-cam
apt-get install ros-noetic-image-view

sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev

3. 카메라가 어떤 픽셀과 포맷을 지원하는지 확인

v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --list-formats-ext

4. git clone

git clone https://github.com/ros-drivers/usb_cam.git

5. Edit

catkin_ws/src/usb_cam/config/usb_cam.yml파일에 들어가서 3번 내용을 참조하여 아래와 같이 파라미터를 수정한다.

start_service_name: "start_capture" # Defines name suffix for std_srvs::Empty service which restarts suspended streaming
stop_service_name: "stop_capture"   # Defines name suffix for std_srvs::Empty service which suspends camera polling timer

video_device: /dev/video0           # Device driver's entrypoint
io_method: mmap                     # I/O method
                                    # - read - for devices supporting virtual filesystem or block I/O
                                    # - mmap - for devices with direct libusb memory mapping
                                    # - userptr - for userspace devices supporting userspace pointer exchange
pixel_format: mjpeg                  # Pixel format for Video4linux device (also selects decoder mode)
                                        # https://wiki.videolan.org/YUV#YUV_4:2:0_.28I420.2FJ420.2FYV12.29
                                        # - yuyv - YUV420
                                        # - yuv - synonym for yuyv
                                        # - uyvy - UVY240
                                        # - yuvmono10 - Monochrome 10-bit pseudo-YUV
                                        # - rgb24 - Linear 8-bit RGB
                                        # - bgr24 - OpenCV-compatible 8-bit BGR
                                        # - grey - Grayscale 8-bit monochrome
                                        # - yu12 - YU-reversed YUV420
                                        # - mjpeg - FFMPEG decoder, MotionJPEG, for compatible hardware
                                        # - h264 - FFMPEG decoder, H.264, for compatible hardware
color_format: yuv422p               # On-chip color representation mode for the input frame encoded by hardware
                                        # - yuv422p - YUV422 - default, compatible with most MJPEG hardware encoders
                                        # - yuv420p - YUV420 - mandatory for H.264 and H.265 hardware encoders
create_suspended: false             # Instructs the node whether to start streaming immediately after launch
                                    # or to wait until the start service will be triggered
full_ffmpeg_log: false              # Allows to suppress warning messages generated by libavcodec, cleans log
camera_name: head_camera            # ROS internal name for the camera, used to generate camera_info message
camera_frame_id: head_camera        # Frame ID used to generate coordinate transformations
camera_transport_suffix: image_raw  # Suffix used by image_transport to generate topic names
camera_info_url: ""                 # URI for camera calibration data (likely a YML file obtained from camera_calibration)
image_width: 640                    # Frame dimensions, should be supported by camera hardware
image_height: 480
framerate: 80                       # Camera polling frequency, Hz (integer)

# Auxiliary camera parameters provided by libv4l2.
    # Names for these parameters are generated automatically according to the intrinsic control names exported by the
    # camera driver. The node queries camera's kernel controller module to determine the parameters that can be set up
    # via ROS. For these parameters the corresponding ROS parameters with identical names are generated under this
    # namespace.
    # See also the comprehensive node output describing parameter names and feasible values for them to be set up here.
    # It is also possible to have a list of the available control names using v4l2-ctl application from v4l2-util package:
    # v4l2-ctl --device=/dev/video<ID> -L
    focus_auto: true
    exposure_auto_priority: true
    exposure_auto: 3
    white_balance_temperature_auto: true
    power_line_frequency: 1
    ignore: [
    ]                               # Use this list to enumerate the control names that should be delisted from the camera setup
                                    # NOTE: the ROS parameters for the V4L controls supported but listed here would be STILL
                                    # generated, but the values WILL NOT BE USED to set up the camera. To affect these controls
                                    # once you want to do that, their names should me REMOVED from this list!



#catkin_ws 디렉터리로 이동

source /devel/setup.bash


7. 실행

7-1. 터미널 1을 열고 다음 명령어 입력


7-2. 터미널 2를 열고

roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam.launch

7-3. 터미널 3을 열고



8. 최종 결과

젯슨나노라서 조금 느린감이 없지 않아 있긴 하지만 정상적으로 나오는 것을 확인할 수 있다.
