이전시간에 cmd_vel 값을 도출하기 위한 파라미터 값을 구하는 방법에 알아보았다.
이번 포스트에서는 아두이노 코드에 파라미터 값을 튜닝한 다음, rqt_robot_steering 툴을 이용하여
로봇에게 cmd_vel 토픽을 발행하고 액추에이터를 구동하고자 한다.
* Author: Automatic Addison
* Website: https://automaticaddison.com
* Description: ROS node that publishes the accumulated ticks for each wheel
* (/right_ticks and /left_ticks topics) at regular intervals using the
* built-in encoder (forward = positive; reverse = negative).
* The node also subscribes to linear & angular velocity commands published on
* the /cmd_vel topic to drive the robot accordingly.
* Reference: Practical Robotics in C++ book (ISBN-10 : 9389423465)
#include <ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int16.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
// Handles startup and shutdown of ROS
ros::NodeHandle nh;
////////////////// Tick Data Publishing Variables and Constants ///////////////
// Encoder output to Arduino Interrupt pin. Tracks the tick count.
#define ENC_IN_LEFT_A 2
#define ENC_IN_LEFT_B 4
// Other encoder output to Arduino to keep track of wheel direction
// Tracks the direction of rotation.
#define ENC_IN_RIGHT_A 3
#define ENC_IN_RIGHT_B 11
// True = Forward; False = Reverse
boolean Direction_left = true;
boolean Direction_right = true;
// Minumum and maximum values for 16-bit integers
// Range of 65,535
const int encoder_minimum = -32768;
const int encoder_maximum = 32767;
// Keep track of the number of wheel ticks
std_msgs::Int16 right_wheel_tick_count;
ros::Publisher rightPub("right_ticks", &right_wheel_tick_count);
std_msgs::Int16 left_wheel_tick_count;
ros::Publisher leftPub("left_ticks", &left_wheel_tick_count);
// Time interval for measurements in milliseconds
const int interval = 30;
long previousMillis = 0;
long currentMillis = 0;
////////////////// Motor Controller Variables and Constants ///////////////////
// Motor A connections
const int enA = 9;
const int in1 = 5;
const int in2 = 6;
// Motor B connections
const int enB = 10;
const int in3 = 7;
const int in4 = 8;
// How much the PWM value can change each cycle
const int PWM_INCREMENT = 1;
// Number of ticks per wheel revolution. We won't use this in this code.
const int TICKS_PER_REVOLUTION = 768;
// Wheel radius in meters
const double WHEEL_RADIUS = 0.14;
// Distance from center of the left tire to the center of the right tire in m
const double WHEEL_BASE = 0.17;
// Number of ticks a wheel makes moving a linear distance of 1 meter
// This value was measured manually.
const double TICKS_PER_METER = 1697; // Originally 2880
// Proportional constant, which was measured by measuring the
// PWM-Linear Velocity relationship for the robot.
const int K_P = 278;
// Y-intercept for the PWM-Linear Velocity relationship for the robot
const int b = 52;
// Correction multiplier for drift. Chosen through experimentation.
const int DRIFT_MULTIPLIER = 120;
// Turning PWM output (0 = min, 255 = max for PWM values)
const int PWM_TURN = 80;
// Set maximum and minimum limits for the PWM values
const int PWM_MIN = 80; // about 0.1 m/s
const int PWM_MAX = 100; // about 0.172 m/s
// Set linear velocity and PWM variable values for each wheel
double velLeftWheel = 0;
double velRightWheel = 0;
double pwmLeftReq = 0;
double pwmRightReq = 0;
// Record the time that the last velocity command was received
double lastCmdVelReceived = 0;
/////////////////////// Tick Data Publishing Functions ////////////////////////
// Increment the number of ticks
void right_wheel_tick() {
// Read the value for the encoder for the right wheel
int val = digitalRead(ENC_IN_RIGHT_B);
if (val == LOW) {
Direction_right = false; // Reverse
else {
Direction_right = true; // Forward
if (Direction_right) {
if (right_wheel_tick_count.data == encoder_maximum) {
right_wheel_tick_count.data = encoder_minimum;
else {
else {
if (right_wheel_tick_count.data == encoder_minimum) {
right_wheel_tick_count.data = encoder_maximum;
else {
// Increment the number of ticks
void left_wheel_tick() {
// Read the value for the encoder for the left wheel
int val = digitalRead(ENC_IN_LEFT_B);
if (val == LOW) {
Direction_left = true; // Reverse
else {
Direction_left = false; // Forward
if (Direction_left) {
if (left_wheel_tick_count.data == encoder_maximum) {
left_wheel_tick_count.data = encoder_minimum;
else {
else {
if (left_wheel_tick_count.data == encoder_minimum) {
left_wheel_tick_count.data = encoder_maximum;
else {
/////////////////////// Motor Controller Functions ////////////////////////////
// Calculate the left wheel linear velocity in m/s every time a
// tick count message is rpublished on the /left_ticks topic.
void calc_vel_left_wheel(){
// Previous timestamp
static double prevTime = 0;
// Variable gets created and initialized the first time a function is called.
static int prevLeftCount = 0;
// Manage rollover and rollunder when we get outside the 16-bit integer range
int numOfTicks = (65535 + left_wheel_tick_count.data - prevLeftCount) % 65535;
// If we have had a big jump, it means the tick count has rolled over.
if (numOfTicks > 10000) {
numOfTicks = 0 - (65535 - numOfTicks);
// Calculate wheel velocity in meters per second
velLeftWheel = numOfTicks/TICKS_PER_METER/((millis()/1000)-prevTime);
// Keep track of the previous tick count
prevLeftCount = left_wheel_tick_count.data;
// Update the timestamp
prevTime = (millis()/1000);
// Calculate the right wheel linear velocity in m/s every time a
// tick count message is published on the /right_ticks topic.
void calc_vel_right_wheel(){
// Previous timestamp
static double prevTime = 0;
// Variable gets created and initialized the first time a function is called.
static int prevRightCount = 0;
// Manage rollover and rollunder when we get outside the 16-bit integer range
int numOfTicks = (65535 + right_wheel_tick_count.data - prevRightCount) % 65535;
if (numOfTicks > 10000) {
numOfTicks = 0 - (65535 - numOfTicks);
// Calculate wheel velocity in meters per second
velRightWheel = numOfTicks/TICKS_PER_METER/((millis()/1000)-prevTime);
prevRightCount = right_wheel_tick_count.data;
prevTime = (millis()/1000);
// Take the velocity command as input and calculate the PWM values.
void calc_pwm_values(const geometry_msgs::Twist& cmdVel) {
// Record timestamp of last velocity command received
lastCmdVelReceived = (millis()/1000);
// Calculate the PWM value given the desired velocity
pwmLeftReq = K_P * cmdVel.linear.x + b;
pwmRightReq = K_P * cmdVel.linear.x + b;
// Check if we need to turn
if (cmdVel.angular.z != 0.0) {
// Turn left
if (cmdVel.angular.z > 0.0) {
pwmLeftReq = -PWM_TURN;
pwmRightReq = PWM_TURN;
// Turn right
else {
pwmLeftReq = PWM_TURN;
pwmRightReq = -PWM_TURN;
// Go straight
else {
// Remove any differences in wheel velocities
// to make sure the robot goes straight
static double prevDiff = 0;
static double prevPrevDiff = 0;
double currDifference = velLeftWheel - velRightWheel;
double avgDifference = (prevDiff+prevPrevDiff+currDifference)/3;
prevPrevDiff = prevDiff;
prevDiff = currDifference;
// Correct PWM values of both wheels to make the vehicle go straight
pwmLeftReq -= (int)(avgDifference * DRIFT_MULTIPLIER);
pwmRightReq += (int)(avgDifference * DRIFT_MULTIPLIER);
// Handle low PWM values
if (abs(pwmLeftReq) < PWM_MIN) {
pwmLeftReq = 0;
if (abs(pwmRightReq) < PWM_MIN) {
pwmRightReq = 0;
void set_pwm_values() {
// These variables will hold our desired PWM values
static int pwmLeftOut = 0;
static int pwmRightOut = 0;
// If the required PWM is of opposite sign as the output PWM, we want to
// stop the car before switching direction
static bool stopped = false;
if ((pwmLeftReq * velLeftWheel < 0 && pwmLeftOut != 0) ||
(pwmRightReq * velRightWheel < 0 && pwmRightOut != 0)) {
pwmLeftReq = 0;
pwmRightReq = 0;
// Set the direction of the motors
if (pwmLeftReq > 0) { // Left wheel forward
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
else if (pwmLeftReq < 0) { // Left wheel reverse
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
else if (pwmLeftReq == 0 && pwmLeftOut == 0 ) { // Left wheel stop
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
else { // Left wheel stop
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
if (pwmRightReq > 0) { // Right wheel forward
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
else if(pwmRightReq < 0) { // Right wheel reverse
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
else if (pwmRightReq == 0 && pwmRightOut == 0) { // Right wheel stop
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
else { // Right wheel stop
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
// Increase the required PWM if the robot is not moving
if (pwmLeftReq != 0 && velLeftWheel == 0) {
pwmLeftReq *= 1.5;
if (pwmRightReq != 0 && velRightWheel == 0) {
pwmRightReq *= 1.5;
// Calculate the output PWM value by making slow changes to the current value
if (abs(pwmLeftReq) > pwmLeftOut) {
pwmLeftOut += PWM_INCREMENT;
else if (abs(pwmLeftReq) < pwmLeftOut) {
pwmLeftOut -= PWM_INCREMENT;
if (abs(pwmRightReq) > pwmRightOut) {
pwmRightOut += PWM_INCREMENT;
else if(abs(pwmRightReq) < pwmRightOut) {
pwmRightOut -= PWM_INCREMENT;
// Conditional operator to limit PWM output at the maximum
pwmLeftOut = (pwmLeftOut > PWM_MAX) ? PWM_MAX : pwmLeftOut;
pwmRightOut = (pwmRightOut > PWM_MAX) ? PWM_MAX : pwmRightOut;
// PWM output cannot be less than 0
pwmLeftOut = (pwmLeftOut < 0) ? 0 : pwmLeftOut;
pwmRightOut = (pwmRightOut < 0) ? 0 : pwmRightOut;
// Set the PWM value on the pins
analogWrite(enA, pwmLeftOut);
analogWrite(enB, pwmRightOut);
// Set up ROS subscriber to the velocity command
ros::Subscriber<geometry_msgs::Twist> subCmdVel("cmd_vel", &calc_pwm_values );
void setup() {
// Set pin states of the encoder
// Every time the pin goes high, this is a tick
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ENC_IN_LEFT_A), left_wheel_tick, RISING);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ENC_IN_RIGHT_A), right_wheel_tick, RISING);
// Motor control pins are outputs
pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);
// Turn off motors - Initial state
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
// Set the motor speed
analogWrite(enA, 0);
analogWrite(enB, 0);
// ROS Setup
void loop() {
// Record the time
currentMillis = millis();
// If the time interval has passed, publish the number of ticks,
// and calculate the velocities.
if (currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// Publish tick counts to topics
leftPub.publish( &left_wheel_tick_count );
rightPub.publish( &right_wheel_tick_count );
// Calculate the velocity of the right and left wheels
// Stop the car if there are no cmd_vel messages
if((millis()/1000) - lastCmdVelReceived > 1) {
pwmLeftReq = 0;
pwmRightReq = 0;
1. 아두이노 코드 컴파일 및 빌드
메모리 관련 경고가 뜨지만, 무시하고 이어서 진행한다.
2. 터미널 열고 아래 명령어 실행
rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=115200
rostopic echo /cmd_vel
rosrun rqt_robot_steering rqt_robot_steering
정상적으로 작동되는 것을 알 수 있다.
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